Spink County Sheriff's Dept
- 2023 Fee Schedule
for Spink County
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 The Spink County Sheriff's Department provides 24 Hour Law Enforcement coverage within Redfield City as well as coverage for the entire Spink County area.
The department is a 24 Hour Communications Center complete with Enhanced 911.
Starting in April 2012, we began using a new communication service called
Nixle (www.nixle.com).
The public can register to receive email and text message alerts from our office, ie: Road Closures, Weather Alerts, Missing Persons, etc.
Receive community information instantly!
Sign up at Nixle.com today! It's quick, easy and secure.
Chief Deputy Brett Christman
Night Supervisor Deputy Sheriff Tonya Mayou
Deputy Sheriff Jerrin Wiman
Deputy Sheriff Branden Roe
Deputy Sheriff Jackson Spurr
Deputy Sheriff Bryan Warner
Chief Dispatcher Amy Akin
Dispatcher Cyndi Roe
Dispatcher Colette Habbena
Dispatcher Christine Michlitsch
Dispatcher Jessica Jolly
Part-Time Dispatcher Kandi Shantz
Part-Time Transport Deputy Jason Kraft

The Spink County Sheriff Department can be found within the Law Enforcement Building located in the Spink County Courthouse parking lot, Redfield SD.
Did You Know...
...when you dial 911 there is up to a 12 second pause before you hear it ringing.

Officer Down Memorial Page

Deputy State Sheriff Charles A. Halpin
South Dakota Office of the State Sheriff
South Dakota
End of Watch: Friday, May 13, 1927
Special Agent Charles Bintliff
United States Department of Justice - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
U.S. Government
End of Watch: Friday, May 13, 1927
Incident Details
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: Friday, May 13, 1927
Weapon Used: Shotgun
Suspect Info: Committed suicide
Deputy Sheriff Halpin and Agent Charles Bintliff, of the United States Treasury Department, were shot and killed near Redfield, South Dakota, while attempting to arrest a man who had wounded another federal agent one week earlier.
Deputy Sheriff Halpin and Agent Bintliff were with two other officers and they arrived at the man's farm at 0130 hours. The officers separated and Deputy Halpin and Agent Bintliff went to search the barn.
As the two searched the barn, the man opened fire on them with a shotgun, striking Agent Bintliff in the chest and Deputy Halpin in the abdomen. Both men were killed instantly. The suspect fled but committed suicide.
Contact Information
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Spink County Sheriff's Department
Jenna Appel, Sheriff
210 E 7th Avenue
Redfield SD 57469-1299
Phone: (605) 472-4595
Fax: (605) 472-4599
Office Location: Law Enforcement Center
Hours: 24/7
(County, State, Federal Offices)
Law Enforcement Cntr
Sheriff Department
Courthouse 1st floor
Extension Services
Emergency Management
Health Department
Social Services
Courthouse 2nd Floor
Planning and Zoning
Register of Deeds
Commissioner's Room
Courthouse 3rd Floor
Clerk of Courts
Emergency Management
States Attorney
Veterans Service
Courthouse Basement
Custodial Engineer
Community Room
101 E 7th Avenue
Spink County Coroner
225 E 8th Avenue
Spink County Museum
E Hwy 212
Highway Department
Weed & Pest