Spink County Government
Redfield SD 57469
photo of Spink County Courthouse

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Notices and Announcements

Spink County Seal

If you have trouble accessing these documents you may obtain information by calling
(605) 472-4580

Other Notices & Links

Area IV Nutrition
"The Area Four Senior Citizens Planning Council, Inc. has been organized for charitable and educational purposes, to provide and promote social and educational services and activities which help the elderly remain independent and to stay in their own homes for many years to come."
-Rick Pesek, Director


Auditor Office
Weed Department
Planning and Zoning - Drainage
Election Notices

Auditor Office

(posted 9/24/24)

Voter registration for the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024, will close on October 21, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at www.sdsos.gov or call the county auditor at

Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county auditor's office, municipal finance office, secretary of state’s office and those locations which provide driver's licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment, and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a mail-in form at www.sdsos.gov or www.spinkcounty-sd.org.

Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act, may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration.

Theresa Hodges
Spink County Auditor

2024 Statewide Ballot Measures
(posted 9/25/24)

| Word |      | PDF |

Spink County Mitigation Plan
(posted 8/12/24)

Download Final Copy

2025 Provisional Budget
| Excel | | PDF |

(posted 6/7/24)

Notice is hereby given, in accordance with SDCL 12-17B-21, that a Post Election Audit of the June 4, 2024 Primary Election will be conducted on June 12, 2024 in the Commission Chambers of the Spink County Courthouse, 210 E 7th Ave, in Redfield, SD.

The Audit will start at 1:00 PM and is open to the public. The public is reminded that they shall keep a reasonable distance so as to not interfere with the audit process.

Questions concerning the Post Election Audit may be directed to the Spink County Auditor at 605-472-4580.

Theresa Hodges
Spink County Auditor

(posted 5/20/24)

Notice is hereby given that the automatic tabulating equipment will be tested to ascertain that it will correctly count the votes for all offices that are to be cast at the Primary Election held on the 4th day of June, 2024.

The test will be conducted on the 31st day of May, 2024, at 8:30 A.M. at the following location: Spink County Court House, Second Floor Commissioners’ Room, 210 East Seventh Avenue, Redfield, SD.

Dated this 20th day of May, 2024.

Theresa Hodges, Auditor
Spink County, South Dakota

(posted 5/14/24)

A Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, in all the voting precincts in Spink County. The election polls will be open from seven a.m. to seven p.m. central daylight savings time on the day of the election. The polling place in each precinct of this county is as follows:


Voters with disabilities may contact the county auditor (472-4580) for information and special assistance in absentee voting or polling place accessibility.

Theresa Hodges,
Spink County Auditor

Spink County CY 2021-CY 2022 Audit Report
and Federal Audit Clearinghouse Filing
(posted 5/7/24)

Spink County Audit Report
for the two years ended 12-31-2022

    | PDF |

(posted 4/25/24)

Voter registration for the Primary Election to be held on June 4, 2024, will close on May 20, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at www.sdsos.gov or call the county auditor at 605-472-4580.

Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county auditor's office, municipal finance office, secretary of state’s office and those locations which provide driver's licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment, and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a mail-in form at www.sdsos.gov or www.spinkcounty-sd.org.

Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration.

Theresa Hodges
Spink County Auditor

(posted 4/24/24)

The Board of Spink County Commissioners hereby gives notice to all interested bidders that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Spink County Auditor, Redfield, South Dakota, until 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 for Road Gravel around Clark, SD; bid to be good from May 21, 2024 to February 28, 2025. At this time all bids will be opened, read and considered by the Board of Spink County Commissioners.

Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Spink County Highway Department or the Spink County Auditor, Redfield, South Dakota.

Envelopes containing bids shall be addressed to Spink County Auditor, 210 E 7th Ave., Redfield, South Dakota, and be marked: “Bid for Road Gravel”, to be opened at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept a bid other than the lowest in case it seems advisable.

By order of the Board of Spink County Commissioners.

Dated at Redfield, South Dakota, this 23rd day of April, 2024.

Theresa Hodges
Spink County Auditor

(posted 4/24/24)

Spink County will sell the following surplus property on AuctionTime.com online auction:

2013 Chevrolet Impala VIN# 2G1WD5E31D1122593; 2010 Ford Crown Victoria VIN# 2FABP7BV5AX142441; 1993 Bomag Steel Face Packer S/N 101170021748; 1972 8230 Terix Dozer – S/N 56816; 2004 Ford Extended Cab w/ service box & 8’ box – S/N 3FTNX21L64MA08449; 1998 6310 John Deere Tractor & Sidedeck Tiger Mower S/N L06310P221136; 1999 6310 John Deere Tractor & Sidedeck Tiger Mower S/N L06310P243961; 1997 Chevy Dual Pickup S/N 1GBJK34R0VF052309 w/ #W4 Skid Sprayer & 300 gal Water Tank; 2003 Honda 4-Wheeler S/N 478TE260334208221 w/ #W6 2003 Trailer Sprayer w/ 150 gal Tank; 2001 Honda 4-Wheeler S/N 4787E224814201691 w/ #W2 1995 Yamaha Sprayer w/ 150 gal Tank; (4) Shindiawa Chainsaws; Chainsaw parts & chains; Homelite DM-54 Chop Saw; 1978 AEH Welder; Coats Tire Mounter/Changer; Coats Wheel Balancer; Front Angle Push Bar for Road Grader paralift; 2015 Chevy 8’ Pickup Box & Bumper; 17.5 R25 Road Grader Tires; 14R24 Road Grader Tires; Miscellaneous CAT & Komatsu Motor Grader Rims

Auction closes May 15, 2024.
Website address is: www.auctiontime.com

Surplus property will be sold for cash without any implied or expressed warranties.

Purchaser shall remove items immediately after the sale.

By order of the Spink County Commissioners

Theresa Hodges
Spink County Auditor

(posted 4/10/24)

Whereas, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Spink, South Dakota, has directed the within described real property acquired by said County by tax proceeding to be sold as provided by law.

Now, therefore, pursuant to the direction of the Board of Commissioners of Spink County, South Dakota, notice is hereby given that the County Auditor of Spink County, South Dakota, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to the confirmations of the Board of Commissioners of said County, in the Commission Chambers of the Courthouse, in the City of Redfield, County of Spink, State of South Dakota, on the 7th day of May, 2024, at 2:00 PM on said day, the following described real estate situated in the County of Spink, State of South Dakota, to-wit:
  • Lots 6, 7 and the N ½ of 8, Block 1, Vollmer’s 1st Addition, Redfield City, with a minimum bid of $7,647;
  • Lots 9 & 10, Block 1, Original, Conde City, with a minimum bid of $7,021
The terms upon which said real estate will be sold are as follows: cash at the time of the sale.

Dated this 10th day of April, 2024.

Theresa Hodges, Auditor
Spink County, South Dakota

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Weed & Pest

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Planning and Zoning      Drainage

(posted 10/3/24)

  • Complete one application form for each assessment parcel.

  • Must be filed with the Director of Equalization by NOVEMBER 1, 2024 for the 2025 assessment year (TAXES PAYABLE 2026).

  • Attach 2024, 2023, & 2022 FSA Maps with flooded land highlighted (ONLY NEED 2024 MAPS IF PREVIOUS YEARS ALREADY ON FILE FOR THIS PARCEL).

| Word | | PDF |

(posted 9/26/24)

A Public Hearing will be held during the Spink County Planning and Zoning meeting at 10:00 AM on October 15, 2024 in the Spink County Commissioner Room, Spink County Courthouse, in Redfield, South Dakota to consider the following request:

City Of Frankfort at ORIGINAL B 5 L S 1/2 OF 2 & ALL OF 3-8 & S 65' & N65' OF E 15' OF LOT 9 & VACATED ALLEY FRANKFORT CITY to move in a home that will be closer to right-of-way than allowed by Spink County Ordinance

Notice is further given that any person, or persons, who are interested in the approval of or rejection of such application may appear at the scheduled hearing or write a letter to the Equalization office at 210 E 7th Avenue Redfield, SD 57469.

For any questions you may contact Tracey Millar, Spink County Zoning Administrator at 472-4585.

(posted 9/26/24)

A Public Hearing will be held during the Spink County Planning and Zoning meeting at 10:00 AM on October 15, 2024 in the Spink County Commissioner Room, Spink County Courthouse, in Redfield, South Dakota to consider the following request:

JWTA Investments LLC at ORIGINAL B 15 L S1/2 8 & 9 MELLETTE CITY to build a lodge that will be closer to right-of-way than allowed by Spink County Ordinance

Notice is further given that any person, or persons, who are interested in the approval of or rejection of such application may appear at the scheduled hearing or write a letter to the Equalization office at 210 E 7th Avenue Redfield, SD 57469.

For any questions you may contact Tracey Millar, Spink County Zoning Administrator at 472-4585.

(posted 7/18/24)

A Public Hearing will be held during the Spink County Planning and Zoning meeting at 10:00 AM on August 6, 2024 in the Spink County Commissioner Room, Spink County Courthouse, in Redfield, South Dakota to consider the following request:

Daniel B & Candace Whittet at S-D OL ABD B 31 L 4 THRU 6 FRANKFORT CITY to replace deck on front of home that will be closer to right-of-way than allowed by Spink County Ordinance.

Notice is further given that any person, or persons, who are interested in the approval of or rejection of such application may appear at the scheduled hearing or write a letter to the Equalization office at 210 E 7th Avenue Redfield, SD 57469.

For any questions you may contact Tracey Millar, Spink County Zoning Administrator at 472-4585.

(posted 6/26/24)

A Public Hearing will be held during the Spink County Planning and Zoning meeting at 1:00 PM on July 16, 2024 in the Spink County Commissioner Room, Spink County Courthouse, in Redfield, South Dakota to consider the following request:

Darin & Bradley Deyoung at SCHMIDT'S BEACH L 58-60 7-115-65 to move in a mobile home older than allowed by the Spink County Zoning Ordinance.

Notice is further given that any person, or persons, who are interested in the approval of or rejection of such application may appear at the scheduled hearing or write a letter to the Equalization office at 210 E 7th Avenue Redfield, SD 57469.

For any questions you may contact Tracey Millar, Spink County Zoning Administrator at 472-4585.

According to Drainage Ordinance as provided by Title 6.04
(posted 6/27/24)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC DRAINAGE HEARING will be held on Tuesday July 16th at 1:15pm, in the Commissioner’s Room of the Spink County Courthouse, 210 East 7th Avenue, Redfield, wherein all interested persons may appear and be heard. The hearing is being held pursuant to Drainage Ordinance Title 6.10.

The following petition has been filed with the Spink County Drainage Board:
Applicant: Nick and Scott Bebo, Kenny Fehlmen, Stacey Frericks

Install drain tile in the NW ¼ 18-117-63, NE ¼ 13-117-64, SW ¼ less 26 acres in NE ¼ SW1/4 7-117-63 with outlets in NW ¼ 13-117-64 into the Jim River

A map of this project is available in the Spink County Equalization office.

Should this request be of concern to you, you or your representative may appear at the Hearing. If you cannot attend the Drainage Hearing, you may send your comments to:
    Spink County Drainage
    210 E 7th Avenue Suite 7
    Redfield, SD 57469-1283
Drainage Board Members: Dave Albrecht—Redfield, Brett Knox—Doland, Brian Johnson—Frankfort, Kevin Siebrecht—Redfield, Suzanne Smith—Brentford

(posted 6/27/24)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC DRAINAGE HEARING will be held on Tuesday, July 16th at 1:15 PM, in the Commissioner’s Room of the Spink County Courthouse, 210 East 7th Avenue, Redfield, wherein all interested persons may appear and be heard. The hearing is being held accordance to Drainage Ordinance Title 6 and shall be in conducted pursuant to 6.17 through 6.23.

The Spink County Drainage Board has been notified of the following complaint:

Flowing wells contributing to flooding on neighboring properties located in Sections 9, 10, 16, 21 & 30 of Great Bend Township and Section 25 in Three Rivers Township.

A map showing the location of complaints, is available in the Spink County Equalization office.

Should this request be of concern to you, you or your representative may appear at the Hearing. If you cannot attend the Drainage Hearing, you may send your comments to:
    Spink County Drainage Administrator
    210 E 7th Avenue
    Redfield, SD 57469-1283
Drainage Board Members: Dave Albrecht—Redfield, Brett Knox—Doland, Brian Johnson—Frankfort, Kevin Siebrecht—Redfield, Suzanne Smith—Brentford

According to Drainage Ordinance as provided by Title 6.04
(posted 6/25/24)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC DRAINAGE HEARING will be held on Tuesday, July 16th at 1:15 pm, in the Commissioner’s Room of the Spink County Courthouse, 210 East 7th Avenue, Redfield, wherein all interested persons may appear and be heard. The hearing is being held pursuant to Drainage Ordinance Title 6.10.

The following petition has been filed with the Spink County Drainage Board:
Applicant: Eric Decker

“Install drain tile in NE ¼ 17-115-61. A shallow ditch will be constructed from NE corner of Sec 17 to NW 16-115-61 to existing creek.”

A map of this project is available in the Spink County Equalization office.

Should this request be of concern to you, you or your representative may appear at the Hearing. If you cannot attend the Drainage Hearing, you may send your comments to:
    Spink County Drainage
    % Denise Fliehe
    210 E 7th Avenue Suite 7
    Redfield, SD 57469-1283
Drainage Board Members: Dave Albrecht—Redfield, Brett Knox—Doland, Brian Johnson—Frankfort, Kevin Siebrecht—Redfield, Suzanne Smith—Brentford

Notice of Public Hearing on Conditional Use
(posted 5/30/24)

A Public Hearing will be held during the Spink County Planning and Zoning meeting at 10:00 AM on June 18, 2024 in the Spink County Commissioner Room, Spink County Courthouse, in Redfield, South Dakota to consider the following request:

Brad & Kristina Jessen at LOT 2 JESSEN S-D IN SW 1/4 SW 1/4 30-116-63 to develop a campsite with restroom facilities.

Notice is further given that any person, or persons, who are interested in the approval of or rejection of such application may appear at the scheduled hearing or write a letter to the Equalization office at 210 E 7th Avenue Redfield, SD 57469.

For any questions you may contact Tracey Millar, Spink County Zoning Administrator at 472-4585.

(posted 5/30/24)

A Public Hearing will be held during the Spink County Planning and Zoning meeting at 10:00 AM on June 18, 2024 in the Spink County Commissioner Room, Spink County Courthouse, in Redfield, South Dakota to consider the following request:

Wolberg Timothy L & Jennifer L Pritt-Wolberg at W T LOT B-13 W 1/2 OF LOTS 15 & 16 ALL 17 & S 25 FEET OF 18 to add a covered porch on front of home that will be closer to right-of-way than allowed by Spink County Ordinance.

Notice is further given that any person, or persons, who are interested in the approval of or rejection of such application may appear at the scheduled hearing or write a letter to the Equalization office at 210 E 7th Avenue Redfield, SD 57469.

For any questions you may contact Tracey Millar, Spink County Zoning Administrator at 472-4585.

According to Drainage Ordinance as provided by Title 6.04
(posted 4/29/24)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC DRAINAGE HEARING will be held on Tuesday, May 21st at 9:45 AM, in the Commissioner’s Room of the Spink County Courthouse, 210 East 7th Avenue, Redfield, wherein all interested persons may appear and be heard. The hearing is being held pursuant to Drainage Ordinance Title 6.10.

The following petition has been filed with the Spink County Drainage Board:

Applicant: Don Gross
    “Install drain tile in E ½ of 30-115-60”
A map of this project is available in the Spink County Equalization office.

Should this request be of concern to you, you or your representative may appear at the Hearing. If you cannot attend the Drainage Hearing, you may send your comments to:
    Spink County Drainage
    % Denise Fliehe
    210 E 7th Avenue Suite 7
    Redfield, SD 57469-1283
Drainage Board Members: Dave Albrecht—Redfield, Brett Knox—Doland, Brian Johnson—Frankfort, Kevin Siebrecht—Redfield, Suzanne Smith—Brentford

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Election Notices

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(County, State, Federal Offices)

 Law Enforcement Cntr
  • Sheriff Department

  •  Courthouse 1st floor
  • Extension Services
  • Emergency Management
  • Health Department
  • Social Services

  •  Courthouse 2nd Floor
  • Auditor
  • Equalization
  • Planning and Zoning
  • Drainage
  • Register of Deeds
  • Treasurer
  • Commissioner's Room

  •  Courthouse 3rd Floor
  • Clerk of Courts
  • Courtroom
  • States Attorney
  • Veterans Service

  •  Courthouse Basement
  • Custodial Engineer
  • Community Room

  •   101 E 7th Avenue
  • Spink County Coroner

  •   225 E 8th Avenue
  • Spink County Museum

  •  E Hwy 212
  • Highway Department
  • Weed & Pest

  • Spink County South Dakota
    210 East 7th Avenue     Redfield SD 57469-1299

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